Thursday, 26 March 2009

Where can i site my work?

Ok this is a tad late but like i said i have been neglecting this a little.
Well my original plan was to have my work situated in a space such as an office or a waiting room for a GP's as my work was intended on brightening up someones day by them seeing this random really bright piece of whatever it was eather in a corner or mounted up on a wall depending on how it would look.
I went to my local GP's and i started thinking.. why is it that whenever your in a waiting room there is ALWAYS a fish tank? and some wierd plant in the corner which you cant really work out weather it is plastic or not. My GP's (Park edge practice, seacroft) is a new building so it is all referbed and like i said has the fish and the wierd plants but they also have strange photo's of around leeds but ones of the corn exchange from a long time ago.
This got me thinking.. WHY?!
Why would people want to see leeds how it was if they are trying to hard to make it look new and modern? surely they would want to put some nice new photo's done by a top photographer of some of the newer buildings in town? or even some of the local area of which the doctors is near? such as Roundhay Park for example? why not have some nice photo's of that?
something cheery instead of something to be honest.. quite mundane and boring.
I think that the foam pieces that i have done would work quite well in there if i just removed those photo's and mounted them up on the wall some how, although people would probably be like what's going on and what on earth are they? People would be alot more intruiged and possibly even annoyed that they are there instead of those photo's.
So i think that in the case of the foam pieces i have made in the studio that is where they could go.
I think that my latest pieces which i have just uploaded are mostly intended for a gallery space although they could even be placed in the hospital but i think that some of them wouldnt really go there very well due to the fact of people not really understanding them. I just think that the positive imagary of the smiley faces and the 'I LOVE MYSELF' piece that ive done would possibly go near a phsycological ward as it would be quite ironic and also possibly even help convince people that yes they do love themselves and that they will be ok.

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