Ive found it quite difficult to find artwork which is UV but here are a few photo's which i found on the internet i couldnt find all the artists names but i have put the names of those of whoom i found.
Hilary Leigh is an artist who paints people. I think her style of work is unique and i think her photographs are very impressive. I prefer her UV work to her other body paintings as i think they look more interesting. Some of her photo's look asif they could be film stills. Which i like as it keeps the viewer guessing.
I found these images on http://anygivenname.org/2007/09/18/london-vol-4-jess-bonham/ they are a series of photographs by Jess Bonham. I think these photo's are really well composed. I think that the colours go really well and they do look quite High Fashion.
Here are some more photo's this time done by fantasy photo's a photographic company which specialises in UV photography and UV products. I think these photo's are interesting as they are using the human form with the UV lights. I think that its quite interesting using the organic things (humans) and the man made chemical products. I think that this is more evident in these photos as the women are partially nude.
Hi, found your blog while looking for UV photos as Im working on some at the moment.
I'm doing some more in a few weeks as I think I have finally found the right combinations of filters.